Podcast #39: Communicating Effectively with Jeff Niederdeppe

Podcast #39

In this episode we are joined by Associate Professor Jeff Niederdeppe from the Cornell Department of Communication. His research focuses on public communication about health and health care, and he teaches classes on planning and implementing communication campaigns as well as undergraduate research methods. Jeff shares with us how he brings his disciplinary skills into the classroom, as well as how and why he makes group projects a big part of his courses.

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My Absurd Lecture Hardware Setup

My Absurd Lecture Hardware Setup

This semester I bring an absurd amount of hardware with me to class every time I teach. It takes a full 10 minutes to set up, and frankly doesn’t even work all that well. I’ll be making changes over the next few weeks, but here’s a snapshot of the current chaos.

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Podcast #38: Teaching Heritage Speakers with Sybil Alexandrov

Podcast #38

Sybil Alexandrov is one of the most well-regarded language instructors at Yale. In this episode we talk about teaching heritage speakers, a group that is vulnerable, diverse, and a “challenging opportunity” in the classroom. Among many other things, Sybil shares her strategies for making group projects work and tells us about the Heritage Meets Heritage project where heritage speakers of different languages learn from each other.

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Podcast #35: Nine Teaching Questions: Part Two

Podcast #35

In the second of a special two-part episode, we continue to reflect on what we’ve learned from the podcast about nine key questions all faculty face. In this episode we focus on the learner: How do you treat the student? How much choice do you give them? Who is responsible for engagement? Just as in part one, we’ve included lots of choice quotes from previous guests.

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Podcast #34: Nine Teaching Questions: Part One

Podcast #34

In the first of a special two-part episode, we reflect on what we’ve learned from the podcast about nine key questions all faculty face. In this episode we focus on the curriculum: what to teach, in what order, and how to adjust the teaching to the learner. We include lots of choice quotes from previous guests, so this is a great starting point for those new to the podcast.

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